Archive for the ‘crushes’ Category

Selleck Waterfall Sandwich

March 27, 2010

So, this exists.  And I’m so happy to know about it.  Photo courtesy of a blog called selleck waterfall sandwich.

Glass Shop

June 25, 2009
photograph by: Roxana Marroquin

photograph by: Roxana Marroquin

On my way into the city this past Sunday afternoon, to catch a friend’s  first (yay!) improv show (really?? a live comedy show at 1:15 on a Sunday?), I decided to stop into yet another new cafe that just sprout up in my neighborhood.  I’d been wanting to try it ever since I read their little blurb in Time Out New York.  A mere block away, and started by the owner of favorite neighborhood speakeasy, Weather Up?  Why, I’m there faster than you can order an iced soy chai latte!  I don’t quite know what I was expecting, but once there, I was a little surprised by the bare set-up: some concrete and unfinished walls, exposed wires, dusty floors, looked like a cafe, mid-construction.  Maybe it is.  It is after all brand new.  But I did enjoy the fanciful pencil-sketched doodles of flowers and vines adorning one of the walls, and I’m always a sucker for white subway tile, which was outlining the barista counter, and the barista behind said counter had one of those European accents and scruffy beards, which was also quite enjoyable.  And despite the “raw” look of the place, it was packed with your usual crowd of Sunday cafe patrons, enjoying their paper and espresso.  I ordered an iced coffee and a croissant to go- which I found out, they get all their pastries from Joyce Bakeshop, another neighborhood favorite of mine! (are you sensing a theme?  To say I like neighborhood cafes is an understatement).  When I’ve got my next good book to read, or a few minutes to spare on a crossword, I plan to go back and spend some more time there soon.

By the way, the place is called Glass Shop.

A Man and His Banjo Make This Girl Weak In The Knees

June 3, 2009


paul simon-b

Believe it or not, I once served chicken breast to the 2 gentlemen in the photos above. Catering fancy galas in upper Manhattan definitely has it’s moments. : )

5 out of 7 days a week, I get home late. Which means I stay up late. Which means I know my late night talk shows. And like most chronic late-night stayer-uppers, I have my favorites. I’ll tune into Letterman, and Kimmell, and I couldn’t be happier to welcome back Conan, my first late-night love. And while I’m still new to Jimmy Fallon (encouraged to “give it time”), I’m willing to give him a fighting chance and I like what I’ve seen so far! But it was last night’s guests, Mr. Fallon, that really sealed the deal for me.

Enter Steve Martin (and his banjo) and Paul Simon (and his guitar).

Possibly the most adorably endearing couple of late-night guests. Steve Martin was characteristically on point and hilarious, and Paul Simon expertly played the role of “sweet and smiley” sidekick. Not to be condescending to these two iconic and uber-successful grown men, but it was absolutely precious to watch them interact! Like being a fly on the wall, watching two old friends sharing innocent and intimate moments…oh, and these friends just happen to be superstars Steve Martin and Paul Simon! And then when they did a banjo and guitar duet? Forget it. I was done. I’ve been daydreaming of weddings lately — I’d now like to take a moment and update that daydream. Jason Alexander used to be My Ultimate (don’t ask. I’ve got a thing for glasses and balding), but if Steve Martin could somehow be my man at the altar, why that would just put me in Dork Heaven.

I love you.