Archive for October, 2009

Wait a Second, I LOVE This Time of Year!

October 29, 2009




Okay, look.  I know I said that I was bumming out about my birthday fast approaching.  But truth is, that was last week.  And today’s another day.  And today?  I love the fact that it’s Fall, and the end of October, and holycowMyBirthday’sINTWODAYS!!  PARTY!  CANDY!  CAKE!

I’m quickly overcoming my case of the “Birthday Blues” and I’m now entering Phase II: “Birthdays Rule!”  Tonight I’m looking forward to getting drinks with the girls at this new neighborhood spot in Park Slope, and the celebrations continue on Saturday night with a big ol’ spooky birthday house party!  Word on the street is that the DJ has put together some ill tunes, appropriate for dancing allll night long.

And check out the seasonal fun I was having at this pumpkin carving party last weekend!  I was seriously looking forward to this event for weeks, and it didn’t dissappoint.  I have a few scars from all the stabbing and gutting, but who said pumpkin carving was cinchy?  Thanks to Mason, Selina, and her dad, Gregory, for generously hosting this fabulous party! (Stay tuned for pics of my pumpkin!)

Spread Thin

October 23, 2009


I’ve been trying to quiet the constant chatter in my brain lately, but I’ve been having trouble.  One clear sign that I know something is up, is that I was tossing and turning in bed last night and had trouble falling asleep.  Normally, I am an absolute pro at falling asleep anytime anywhere.  Exhibit A.

This behavior is actually something that happens to me every year.  The same time of year.  So why I don’t expect these feelings of anxiety, stress, and sadness by now, is anyone’s guess.  Perhaps some of you out there can relate.  I call it “the birthday blues”.

I know that in the midst of a society dealing with an economic crisis, world hunger, and ponzi schemes, having anxiety over one meaningless day (like a friggin birthday!) is absolutely absurd.  But try as I might to trick myself into forgetting my birthday, or treating it without a care, I sincerely can’t help it.  And I know that too resist is to persist.  So with that in mind, this year I am making my best efforts to just embrace these feelings of confusion and meloncholia.  Not to judge it or try and fight it.  But to let it be there.  And then hopefully this too shall pass.

It has nothing to do with getting one year older.  I actually quite look forward to that part.  24!  Woohoo!  I imagine it will be a lot like 23.  Can’t wait.  For me, it’s more about my expectations of the day.  I tend to exhaust myself when trying to think of the absolute perfect way to plan the day.  And the fact that my birthday also happens to be Halloween, doesn’t exactly help my search for peace and calm about the whole thing.  In fact, Halloween in the city is usually a night of chaos and lots of traffic.  I just try to remind myself: it’s just one day.  A day like any other day.  A day with 24 hours.  I will eat during this day.  And I will sleep at the end of it.  And maybe party with my lovely friends at some point during it.

Sorry this is more of a bummer-y post than I usually put up.  But in an effort to be honest with where I’m at, might as well share these feelings on my blog too.  Thanks for listening.


I Never Grow Tired of Funny Cats

October 20, 2009

Last night, Shawna and I were up until 1:30 watching youtube videos of everything from “funniest cat video” to “talking dogs” —  it was just one of those nights.  Don’t tell me you can’t relate.  And it reminded me of the above home video that I had been wanting to share with you all.

This was the spontaneous and hilarious after-dinner entertainment at Marina’s place one night.  I wish all dinner parties ended like this.  (I apologize for the somewhat shaky camera…this dancing kitty had me busting at the seams.  And I still laugh every time I watch it!)

Thank you, Marina, for the expert choreography.  And thank you, cat, for those effortlessly cool moves.

A Monday to Ourselves

October 19, 2009











*all photos courtesy of David’s iphone.

As I mentioned in this post last week, ever since I started my new full-time job three weeks ago, my free time is very precious, since it is fewer and farther between.  Thanks to Columbus day last Monday, I had the entire day freeee!  Luckily, David and my schedules miraculously coincided (I guess even Apple store specialists can catch a break on Columbus day), and so we took the entire day to venture around Brooklyn and Manhattan together, free as boids.  Because of our crazy schedules and multiple extra curriculars, the chance for David and I to both have a free day with not a thing on the books is very rare.  Sometimes when this happens, the realization can be so surprising and exciting for me, that I get overwhelmed by all of our potential day options (let’s finally go to the Statue of Liberty!…let’s go to that museum we keep talking about!…we have to try this new restaurant for breakfast, that new place for dinner, and the other cute little cafe for a snack!…)  But micro-planning a day like that can, not surprisingly, have the opposite effect of the desired relaxation we’re both hoping to enjoy together.  So we chose to celebrate with a semi-structured-loosely-planned-not-over-the-top day…and we started off by affording ourselves the beautiful luxury of sleeping in a little.  Then we grabbed a deelicious brunch at egg–a Williamsburg breakfast hotspot that I’d been dying to try, next we quietly spent some time (with several brazen, and hungry, geese) on the shore of the East River Park.  We finished the day with a massage in the city, and finally sat down to a homemade dinner and watched “I Love You, Man”.  It was bliss. 

I’m craving that freedom to be outside and eat good food and spend time with my boyfriend, as I sit here at my desk on this rather quiet Monday.

Dr. Oz’s Doppelganger

October 16, 2009


On my way into work the other day, I did a double-take when I saw this ad on a bus stop.  My first thought was, “Huh.  I didn’t realize that Jason Bateman did another movie.  Wasn’t he just in that movie Extract?…”  And then, upon closer inspection, I realized that this wasn’t a poster for a Jason Bateman meets Christopher Guest ironic mockumentary-style star vehicle.  This was a non-ironic poster for a legitimate program.  This was Dr. Oz. 

So that’s what this guy looks like??  I mean, I know all about him.  He’s Oprah’s go-to doctor and yada yada.  I’ve heard his name so many times, but I’ve never actually seen a photo of him!  Until now. 

I mean, come on.  Am I right?!


jason bateman

Bateman, you’re a handsome fella.  And you also happen to look like Dr. Oz.  Please use it, and star in his biopic.  It will be hilarious.

And while I’m at it, what the heck does this poster mean?  Is it a command, telling his viewers to live right now?  Or is he merely informing us that his tv show is always on, and it’s being broadcast live, right now?  Honestly.  What is a person to make of that punctuation?

Am I the only nutjob obsessing about this?

From Office to Office, Dust to Dust

October 15, 2009

After taking a little blogging hiatus, last week, I decided to post a bullet-pointed list of what I’ve been up to these past few months.  And one of those bullet points mentioned that I unexpectedly started a brand new job.  I’ve been keeping pretty busy, and haven’t had the chance to fill you in on all the juicy details yet, but I should probably let you know that this new job has most certainly affected my life in a whole bunch of ways since I started working here about 3 weeks ago.

For starters, this is the very first full-time job I’ve ever had!  All my life, I’ve chosen my jobs, not so much based on the money or potential for career advancement, but rather, based on the job’s flexibility and potential for fitting into my lifestyle.  In the few years since I graduate college, I’ve always held at least 2 part-time jobs at once.  Yes, sometimes it made me a little crazy to be running from the desk job as an office administrator, to the Museum of Natural History to butler mini mushroom quiches at a Bar Mitzvah.  But to be fair, at times it was slightly thrilling.  A little Clark Kent-into-Superman-y.  However, that thrill quickly wore off the moment I realized that I’m wearing filthy tuxedo pants and not a flashy red cape. 

But that frenetic and flexible schedule was worth it to me because it enabled me to pursue my other passions: baking for Fanny & Jane, spending time with friends, performing comedy, and just having some me time to clean my room, do laundry, or watch Top Chef.

Since I’ve committed myself to joining the great American workforce as a full-timer, I can kiss my free Mondays and Fridays goodbye (because of the supplemental nighttime catering events, I was able to work only 3-days a week at the old desk job…pretty sweet deal).  But now, I’m looking at yer standard 5-days a week, 10am-6ishpm, morning and evening rush hour subway commute.  My friends have all told me that this new, more demanding schedule will soon take a little toll on my mind and body, and have urged me to get more sleep than my usual 6 hours a night.  Hasn’t happened quite yet, but I’ve definitely been drinking more coffee than ever before.  But isn’t that one of the requirements of having a full time job?  That you’re always drinking a coffee and complaining about the photocopier being broken?

So, what gives?

Why did I take this full-time job?  Wasn’t I happy with my old flexible schedule and my free Mondays and Fridays?  Well, yes I was.  But like I mentioned above, this job-change was completely unexpected and this new position literally fell into my lap.  And as soon as this opportunity presented itself, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.  Which was my first clue that it was probably the right decision for me to embrace this chance at a new start.  My constant questioning of it, and asking my best buddies what they thought of me potentially taking this leap, made me realize something that didn’t dawn on me before: that I was really ready for a change.  If this new opportunity hadn’t come up, it probably would have only been a month or so before I figured it out for myself and thought, “Hey self, you’re pretty bored with what you’re doing.  It’s time to shake things up.”  Fortunately, this job came up at just the perfect time.

In addition to the exciting and scary thrill of change for change’s sake, this new job has also given me the opportunity to actually work and make money in the entertainment industry — a field that not only interests me greatly, but that I also have a degree in!  (Sorta kinda…a BFA in drama counts, right?).  In the interest of keeping work & play seperate, I don’t plan to outline too many of the job specifics here on this blog, but I can happily tell you that I am working in the casting office of a great TV show, and I am given enough responsibility to keep me busy and keenly interested in the work I’m doing.  There.  Was that cryptic enough? 🙂

Needless to say, this has been a huge recent change in my life.  And I’m still adjusting.  Adjusting to my new life schedule.  Adjusting to my new co-workers.  Adjusting to the new perks of the job.  Adjusting to how I spend my precious free time.  Adjusting to the balance.

Speaking of jobs, my dear friend and wonderful business partner, Jen is now only two days away from being free from her desk job!!  This is mega.  For those of you who have been following her blog, you know that she’s been on the journey to follow her bliss and leave her desk job.  She bravely quit on September 1st, and tomorrow is her grand finale at the office.  With no next job lined up, her plan is to pursue work that she’s passionate about and take it from there.  We are all so proud and excited for her.  You better believe we’re celebrating with margharitas and nachos tomorrow night at 7:01.

Jen has been incredibly supportive of my decision to take this new job, and has encouraged me to trust my instincts if this change feels right.  If there’s one huge lesson I have learned from her, it’s: to let the path show itself.  On her blog, she talks about how she’s been able to embrace this philosophy, and it has been inspiring to me.  With my tendency to want to control situations, this peaceful reminder to chill out and let things run their course has helped me take a back seat from time to time and trust that I will instinctually know “the right answer” when the time comes.  And ya know, even if I don’t have “the right answer”, I will have an answer, which will inevitably lead me down some path, which will open the door to something new.

At the moment, we are embracing both of these huge, new, scary, and exciting changes in our lives…and chuckling at the fact that I’m going from part-time to full-time, and she’s going from full-time to no-time.  It’s like Freaky Friday!  Except, no Jamie Lee Curtis.  I guess it’s not really like Freaky Friday.

Thanks for reading, and I’m excited to share the news and happenings of this new little journey with you. 


Autumn in New York

October 14, 2009


This tree on my block confirmed it: it’s happening!  My favorite season is here!  I’m dusting off my scarves and bringing out my mom’s chocolate chip pumpkin cookie recipe, and counting down the days till Thanksgiving feast.

The leaves are changing.  It’s official, people.

\”Autumn In New York\” by Billie Holiday

No Dogs Allowed

October 13, 2009
my boyfriend, the dog

my boyfriend, the dog

awww!  signing autographs
awww! signing autographs


This weekend I had the pleasure of watching my boyfriend, David, don a head-to-toe dog suit and run around barking and wagging his tail. 

He made me very proud.  His portrayel of El Exigente, the title role of the kids show now playing at the Atlantic Theater, No Dogs Allowed!, was incredibly energetic and adorable.  He told me that this was actually one of his most challenging roles: no lines, no songs, a lot of jumping up and down, a little bit of tango, and endless panting.   

His particular rendition of a dog was very rough’n’tumble, which in my opinion, is the best kind of pooch.  It reminded Shawna of her loving, stinky, and endearingly dumb doggie Jake, and brought back a flood of fond memories for her.  After the show, all the actors waited in the lobby to sign autographs (including the playwright, Sonia Manzano, MARIA FROM SESAME STREET!!).  All the kids ran up to David, hugging him and telling him their favorite part of the show.  It was pretty frickin’ cute.  

Our friend, Chloe also did an awesome job of playing “Shorty”, a clairvoyant and tough seven-year-old!  It was a great show — if you babysit in NYC, or have little cousins, or you’re just looking for something innocent and sweet to do on a Saturday or Sunday morning, check it out!  

Click here for tickets and more info.IMG00455

Big Girls Slumber Party

October 10, 2009


After filling several Fanny & Jane orders during our precious “free” time of the last few weekends, it sure is a nice little respite to have these next few days all to myself this weekend!  For instance, since I didn’t have any baking commitments this morning, last night I was able to say YES to an impromptu sleepover at my friends’, Danni and Jarrod’s, loverly apartment on the Upper West Side.  (Well, as evidenced by the above photo, I didn’t exactly realize that I was sleeping over until the next morning when I just sorta woke up in that position).

The night before, my friend Natalie and I, went over to Danni’s place for a much needed ladies catch-up session, and dinner-making event.  We got carried away with the chatting and pre-dinner cheese & wine, that we didn’t actually sit down to eat our meal until 10:45.  Lesson learned: alcohol + late night dinner = immovable on the couch.

But look at our colorful spread!


Aren’t the colors beautiful?  Our autumnal feast included: roasted six-spice butternut squash spears, garlicky kale, and beet-stained penne with a goat cheese crumble.  Maybe one of these days I’ll post recipes… 

Sorry for the crappy picture quality.  I didn’t have my broken camera with me, and my blackberry camera was my only resort!  Fortunately, in the morning I got wise to the fact that Danni had a digital camera I could borrow to photograph our delicious home-made brunch!


our sauteed mushroom, onion, spinach, fresh tomato, basil, and shredded gouda frittata


Danni & Jarrod in their kitchen




Close frittata!

Close frittata!


chow time


picture of a perfect saturday part I

picture of a perfect saturday part I

picture of a perfect saturday part II

picture of a perfect saturday part II

cafe au lait and pumpkin cranberry muffin appetizer

cafe au lait and pumpkin cranberry muffin appetizer



All of a sudden it’s 3:45 and I’ve only left their house once…and it was for a quick morning coffee run.  This has been quite the perfect Saturday.  And now, since I’m on the Upper West Side so infrequently, I’m going to stop by my favorite cookie bakery in the city to stock up on some serious chocolate chip goodies.  And then, I’ll be at the PIT tonight with Harvard Sailing Team for our weekly sketch comedy show.  We have a brand new show, so stop by if you’re around!

Friday Feel Good Tunes

October 9, 2009

Just bought myself tickets to see Raphael Saadiq in concert!  The show isn’t until December, but I am so SO excited!  I was introduced to his music by my best bud, Shawna, who described him as “the happiest music to walk around the streets of New York to”.  And I happen to agree.  He’s got such a wonderful retro sound that I just can’t help bopping along. 

Here’s a sampling for your enjoyment:

I convinced my boyfriend to join me (I’ll be making sure to upload Saadiq’s album to his iphone so that he is well-versed by the time the concert rolls around), and we decided that it would be a little treat to ourselves in honor of our (HOLY SHNIKEYS) FOUR YEAR ANNIVERSARY, which is on December 17th.  I honestly can’t believe that it’s been four years!!  To be fair, I guess I’m jumping the gun…we’ve still got 2 months till we hit that four-year mark.  But still.  L’chaim to us, honey!

And happy Friday to everyone!  Thanks for the 3-day weekend, Columbus.